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Team Management

Are you tired of juggling multiple tools to manage your field service team?

Field Promax, your all-in-one Team Management software. Turn your team’s smartphones into productivity powerhouses, streamline your operations, and increase profits while enhancing customer satisfaction – all from one easy-to-use platform

Track your Customer’s Equipment

Team Leads

Team Lead Oversight

Managers often lose track of team workloads.

Our Team Management software gives leads full access to all team work orders, streamlining supervision and boosting productivity.

Filter Calendar

Customizable Work Group Organization

Large teams with diverse skills are hard to manage.

Create and manage work groups to streamline scheduling and improve coordination across various projects and specialties.
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Multiple Technicians

Multi-Technician Job Allocation

Complex jobs create scheduling and billing headaches.

Efficiently dispatch multiple technicians to the same work order, capturing individual hours for precise billing and seamless project management.
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Real-Time Team Communication

Real-Time Team Communication

Schedule changes lead to missed appointments.

Eliminate confusion with automatic notifications for schedule updates, ensuring your entire team stays informed in real-time.

Track Your Team

Real-Time Job Status Monitoring

Getting a quick job status overview is challenging.

Monitor all jobs in real-time with color-coded calendar entries, helping you stay on top of your team’s progress effortlessly.
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