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How to Boost Your Project Workflow with Work Order Management Software

Work Order Software

Field service is one of the most demanding businesses. No matter how big or small your company is, you need to juggle a variety of work orders, from routine preventive maintenance tasks to emergency repairs. However, keeping up with scheduled and on-demand maintenance tasks can quickly overwhelm a manual or paper-based work order scheduling system. Additionally, using an outdated work order tracking system tends to have a negative impact on service quality, labor usage, and dispatch times. This is where work order management software comes to your rescue. it is specifically designed to offer a comprehensive overview and platform that companies can use for better management of work orders.

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Overall, it can be safely said that work order management tools provide small and large service businesses with 360-degree assistance in service. In this post, we are further reviewing how smaller businesses and startups can completely revolutionize project management using work order software. Read on to learn more.


 Work Order Software Program is a centralized platform used by project managers to track, assign, and monitor preventive maintenance tasks, respond to facility requests, and strategize action plans. It is primarily used to automate and streamline the entire backend tasks of a project, including

  • Job order booking
  • Scheduling
  • Technician dispatching
  • Creating estimates
  • Monitoring
  • Asset tracking
  • Notifications
  • Customer management
  • Billing and invoicing

Essentially, this innovative digital tool helps service providers organize all the work order information into a single dashboard. Which maintenance worker is working on which work order, what is the status of maintenance, how many tasks are completed, how many are left, and so on. It also allows you to assign a task to employees according to the requirement, and complete work order reports. Moreover, it provides analytics information to help you achieve better decision-making capabilities.

2. Incredible Features

Mobile App View

The best work order management software programs are designed to simplify things for small businesses in particular. From streamlined job scheduling and dispatch to keeping a check on all relevant aspects related to equipment, inventory, and other assets, the process of managing work orders is simplified down to the lowest levels of the workflow. If you plan to invest in software that helps with work order management, these are some of the features that must be checked for:

  • Mobile App  Having a mobile app makes it easier for managers to manage and organize work orders in an effective, transparent and accountable manner.
  • Scheduling & Dispatching Creating a job or dispatching duties to team members should be an easy task with such software. The good news is the interface of most work order management tools is so simple that employees at all levels would be able to understand it.
  • QuickBooks Integration With a good software program, you can also integrate your work order management system with both Online & Desktop variants of QuickBooks. This just brings the entire work process together.
  • Estimates Such software, in all likelihood, also allows managers to create estimates, and since everything is being managed on a comprehensive platform, getting online approvals shouldn’t be a hard task. The same can be converted into a work order almost immediately.
  • Inventory Control: Instead of cataloging asset history in a cumbersome spreadsheet, work order management software enables a database of asset information with cross-indexing. Managers can import hundreds of asset entries, complete with serial numbers, service dates, and locations. Once asset entries have been imported, team members can generate asset reports rapidly to determine maintenance requirements. As an organization accumulates historical data, the software will generate increasingly meaningful KPIs to enhance maintenance decision-making.

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3. The Advantage of Work Order Management Software


In response to the need for an improved field service management strategy, work order management software was developed. In essence, employees required a faster-than-paperwork method of creating work orders, and work order management software arose as a result. These systems become faster and more automated over time.

Work order management software is now widely used in various industries to centrally organize and manage the typically vast number of daily requests. For instance, a factory may use work order management software to classify and schedule equipment maintenance tasks. In other instances, the software serves to collect job orders and invoices. In the absence of this technology, managing work orders could be a Herculean task of paperwork organization. Even free versions of work order management software alleviate much of the stress associated with tracking work orders.

Work order management software is ultimately a means of reducing the immense amount of labor required to manually organize work orders and requests. If a business requires routine maintenance, repair, or operational work, whether scheduled or in response to downtime occurrences, it can benefit from this type of maintenance software.

4. Benefits for Small Businesses

Small businesses often have a hard time balancing their resources and assets, especially when multiple orders have to be processed. It is absolutely important that everything is synchronized in real-time, and that’s exactly what work order software facilitates. Let’s discuss the benefits in detail below:–

  • Organization-wide easier Management: The eventual goal of a Work Order Software product is to simplify the management of various orders, and this happens on a pan-organization level. For executives who are managing more than one project, a simplified dashboard gives them an overview of what’s happening with each project.
  • Simplified control: For entrepreneurs who want to have tight control over their projects, managers, and executives, work order software is the biggest asset they can have. It allows them to watch and take corrective steps without delay, which prevents losses. Often, work order management is hard because there is no singular or unified platform to overview the processes, and the lack of a streamlined system can lead to losses, which can be avoided.
  • Improved time management: Time is one of the most critical aspects of work order management, and businesses have the challenge of delivering projects on schedule. Even for internal projects, everything has to be streamlined to make the most available human and material resources. The core purpose of work order software is to bring transparency across the organization and bring down departmental silos. This further ensures that projects are always on time, and help you track technicians’ total billable hours so that you are not paying extra out of your own pocket.
  • Support on the go: Mobile apps for work order software have further eased the task of keeping orders and schedules in check. An executive doesn’t have to be on his desk to give an update to his manager – The same can be done on the go and whenever required.
  • Report and analytics: Drawing conclusions from projects and work orders for taking action in the future gets easier too. You don’t have to bother about rummaging through piles and piles of paper and worksheets anymore. Project details can be accessed when required, and the management can prepare reports easily.
  • Better Customer Relations: One of the other reasons to select work order management software is better customer relations. When your work orders are managed better and reports & updates are sent to customers on a regular basis, it enhances relationships and fosters trust, which eventually adds to the repute of your small business.
  • Pricing: The cost of using work order software varies, but mostly, this is designed more like a subscription service. You are expected to pay for the software according to the number of users, so if more users within the organization are using the software, you are expected to pay more. For certain services, such as QuickBooks Desktop Integration, an additional fee may be applicable. Note that the cost also depends on the features included in the package, and since the cost depends on the number of users, it is an effective solution for small companies that don’t have a lot to spare in terms of resources.

Final Words

Work Orders SCHEDULE

If you are looking for a suitable work order system for your service business, make sure to review its features and understand how quickly you can use the platform. The onboarding process has to be smooth, and vendor support must be checked for. It is always wise to select a product that has been developed for small businesses and startups, and it needs to have a simplified interface so that every executive can use it as required. Pricing may seem important, but for a competent product that transforms your business, a few extra dollars every month shouldn’t be a big deal.

To get the best work order management system, contact Field Promax.